
“When I sought out a therapist, I knew what I didn’t want…I didn’t want someone who related textbook learning pretending to be insightful. I didn’t want someone coming across clinical. I didn’t want someone who seemed to think their degree gave them true knowledge. I also didn’t want someone who wanted to “help” people yet seemed to fall short on their own inner work and evolution.
What I got was someone who was truly insightful from a deeper place, that intuitive knowledge that few therapists, let alone humans, can access.
Ryan somehow knew what to say and when. He could sit in the pain with me, but not like he was stuck in the mud, too. Just patiently being like a best friend, a brother.
Early on he said that a therapist set a template for the client on what a healthy relationship looked like and to experience that within the context of the therapist/client dynamic. With Ryan’s guidance I learned little by little what it felt like to get feedback, be seen, affirmed, drawn out through self-inquiry. All along though, it was my work to do. And anyone going into any therapeutic environment must be willing to accept that personal responsibility. Ryan does not take that away from his client, but somehow brilliantly and respectfully enables his client (aka Me) to take that on, eventually consciously!”


“Dr. Ryan has been a source of strength, compassion, and genuine caring in a time of great turmoil for me. His guidance is balanced with insight and wisdom – which often points me back to seeing where the answers have been inside me all along. Although I’ve only been his patient for a few months, I have already accomplished some key therapeutic goals and have confidence in being able to manage the road ahead. I appreciate his presence in the world, and our community, more than I could ever express.”


“Dr. Carboneau is one of the most empathetic and perceptive people you will ever meet. He’s the kind of doctor who will help you find the best path forward even when you see no possible way of proceeding. He will help you realize that where you are makes sense because of where you’ve been…that sounds simple but it’s a tough revelation when it hits you.
He’s been helping me through the most difficult period of my life. It’s not been easy, but it’s been worth it to have a doctor who is truly present during our sessions, who checks in when able, and always helps me when I can’t see the forest for the trees.
I could write so much more, but I’ll close on this vital note: prior clinicians had told me that my history was too much to handle, that it’s too difficult to treat me, and I never felt heard, much less understood. Luckily that all changed when I began treatment with Dr. Carboneau. I’m humbled and grateful for our life-saving and life-changing sessions.”


“I was introduced to Ryan when I had experienced a very painful moment in my life, and while I had lived with depression and anxiety for a good part of my adult life, I had never thought of going to a therapist before. Once he helped me through the initial trauma I had come to him for, I realized that we had been, along with it, unpacking a lot of other things along the way. It’s been several months now and the way I experience life has taken a noticeable turn. Ryan is there for these life events. He is there to share the successes and to help through the more difficult times and to dig down to how you wish things would have gone and what you can do now. And if he knows I’m having a difficult event approaching, he reminds me that he can be there if things don’t go as planned and I need help processing what happened. The fact that he comes to me is just icing on the cake. But never having to be tossed to the street—being able to stay home and relax after a session—is really something I never would have expected, and it makes the experience all the more valuable.”